![]() Feel annoying with the music?
-♬♬♬- roll down and switch it off. Being silent is somehow a good way too ;) PROFILE
the girl next door; in-side someone's heart ![]() - My name is JUNE. - I am a GIRL. - I grew up at Kelantan. - 1st September is my BIG day. - I love chocolate. - I love purple. - I am no longer his PRINCESS. I AM FREE! underline italic bold |
scream out loud speak out what you want, but never ever start any WAR here. THANKS ♥ |
10/17/2012 01:38:00 AM
10/17/2012 01:38:00 AM
BjunY is no longer in use.
If you want continue follow me, please support in JUNE-G.
Thank you.
0 Shouts

April Fool-Chatime
4/02/2012 10:43:00 PM
4/02/2012 10:43:00 PM
hi guys! is time to update my blog again :D
i didn;t get fool at all, do you?
Was having a great time with my BBF
[so bad they don't wanna capture any photos..T.T]
I just LOVE sweet drinks, sweet foods
As long is sweet, i will heart it deeply!
other twos was my friends'
Mine is so call Banana Perl Milk Tea (new product wor...xoxo)
taste good!
I LOVE banana
Do you?
She is my colleague.
She is FRESH department, as so me hahhaa!
Good night guys
0 Shouts

3/31/2012 02:33:00 AM
3/31/2012 02:33:00 AM

Yes, Im waiting for tomorrow.
For after 1week, I've been waiting this day.
Good night!
1 Shouts

[here come the REAL ACTUAL post]
3/23/2012 12:40:00 AM
3/23/2012 12:40:00 AM
Here comes the REAL ACCTUAL post.
the story starts like this...
The day before yesterday [it's over 12am, and the sentence should be two days before yesterday. LOL]
my lady boss and me was invited to a dinner with a supplier at Shah Alam, nearby our office.
we tasted brand new quality beef, and it's so juicy and tender!
I'm not a beef eater [I'm BUDDHA~~~], but i can taste the beef. OMG, you guys should really try this new product if it's launch in the market.
[started to promoting..haha!]
What to do? as i'm not using SE now....sob sob
FYI, i using ipod now and of course, am playing the hottest game in town, DRAW SOMETHING.
trendy, huh?
back to last week [aiya...i'm not a good planner. this should come 1st before the beef dinner], I work for Future Music Festival Asia @ Sepang, last Sturday.
and alot of girls using iphone. Due to we all standby + working long hours that day, many girls charged their iphone and play DrawSomething.
tell me if you did!
of course, there will be no any prizes to be win [sorry lar.. x_x]
PS: i didn't break my promise this week. hopefully i will keep my promise weekly!
See you guys next post in coming soon time...
tata and good night!
0 Shouts

Dear all...
3/21/2012 01:11:00 AM
3/21/2012 01:11:00 AM
Dear all,
I'm truly sorry for my laziness.
I was access to internet past few months, but I didn't appreciated it.
I lazy to update my Facebook, Blog, etc.
and then, the whole January I was stuck in the non-access-able status.
And now, I am access-able and i promise to myself!
I wanted to update my blog, at least WEEKLY!
OK...let's see, what should I plan in next:
- I am thinking change my blog back to or not? - YES or NO?
- If I stay in BLOGSPOT, I will renew my blog layout.
- If i stay in BLOGSPOT, I will start to categorize my post. Maybe I will DELETE or KEEP my old post [nah, got some wanted forget memories there]
- If I change back to, I might need to create a new blog or use back my old account? I can still remember the user id and password :) [have some sweet and nice memories there, haha!]
- Last but not least, I MUST! post at least one post a week. If not, you guys just kick my ass, hahahah!
This is the plan, but I do not know how long can i stand with it?
1 week, 1 month, 1 year?
hopefully I can continue with my words...
see you next post in a week time.
Good night and sweet dreams!
0 Shouts

Thailand part 2
10/28/2011 11:48:00 PM
10/28/2011 11:48:00 PM
aha....waiting so long?
sorry sorry......busy + lazy = no update the part 2....
well....lets continue the part one....(im getting abit forget whats happening there....haha~)
the next day #3, we packing to Pattaya, was happy to heading there, for beach, sunshine and bikini-s...

we went for thai massage too! only for 150 bath

was so happy, so enjoy!
yet, everything gone just because of a rainy day.
almost flood, and it does flood on the 1st night.
the water was until my knee already. no night fun at there...
and the dinner of that day was...
and the dinner of that day was...
well, the next day, i thought it will be shiny and sunny day, but the rain still dropping, and our plan_ floating market is gone again. this is the sad part that didn't visit to the market in thailand.
day #4
went back to Thailand again.
what a watse for day #3
anyway, i'm still happy to spend the time together with my Mr Cow.
when we reach back to Bangkok, we straight away go to the hotel that we have booked before we went to Thailand.
and so, here we go for 2 people trip in Thailand without his sister.
we go everywhere by ourselves, we eat ourselves, we explore the way ourselves.
not getting lost, haha!
and OMG! Thailand shopping mall is really a PARADISE for us girl.
same fashion as malaysia, and the price is so CHEAP! yes, is cheap!
i didn't spend much on clothes, but i spend much on eat, time if i am going to Bangkok again, i'm sure will spend alot to buy the clothes! i wan to SHOPPING!
day #5 is our shopping day, dating day, a day that we spend together, supposely. Until noon, Mr Cow said he is not feeling well, and we went back to hotel.he spend his whole evening sleeping. im spend my whole evening online in the room and watching drama. that time was following HK TVB drama-Laughing Gor.
and here come our day #6
BAD BAD news!!!!
Mr Cow is not feeling well.
again, spend whole day in the hotel, sooooo wasted!
but our day #7 was so happening.
we spend one whole day at outside, for our lovely date!
We went to ocean world, haha! little
Malaysia got this, but why we Malaysian never go to ocean world at our country, but will visit other country's?

We went to ocean world, haha! little
Malaysia got this, but why we Malaysian never go to ocean world at our country, but will visit other country's?

cow is scared of spider.....
poor cow cow...
cow is scared of spider.....
poor cow cow...
oh ya, we went to china town too!
same as jalan petaling/petaling street/chee cheong kai...
went to alot of placs too, gosh, i forget what we really did on day #7.
same as jalan petaling/petaling street/chee cheong kai...
went to alot of placs too, gosh, i forget what we really did on day #7.
and day #8, we are packing things back to Malaysia.
our flight is night time.
so we went to shopping again on the day time.
hehe! buy buy buy!
even not alot of things to buy, but we did enjoy the day!
happyily for 1 whole weeks.
and i found a little fun thing!
we never fight or quarrel on this 8 days.
a lovely day for us, a memorable day for us.
hope we will never forget this trip.
looking forward for our 2nd trip.
and i hope the trip will be sunny trip!
i hate raining trip!!!
1 Shouts

Thailand part 1
9/22/2011 12:23:00 AM
9/22/2011 12:23:00 AM
went back from Thailand 1 week.
opssie.....really lazy lazy to upload photo, update blog, even my fb i also just left it there, didn't care much.
why i'm so lazy currently?
getting bored?
let's see what i have done in Thailand with Mr. Cow
DAY #1
The 1st thing we start to explore Thailand, we saw uncle McD
welcoming all the guest to enter the fast food corner for brunch/ lunch
this is not our brunch/lunch
DAY #2
Mr Cow, me and his sister
happy meeting his sister <3
the temple is so beautiful
one thing i love Thailand temple is...CLEAN!
yes, they are clean
without shoe inside, my leg stil very very clean
unlike our country temples.
to show respect, take off shoe get into temple, but come out with dirt leg :(
Next place is stil temple
We use 1 day to go few different temples in Bangkok.
and we found a mini building too!
end of part 1
To Be Continue with part 2...
stay tune ...
To Be Continue with part 2...
stay tune ...
3 Shouts

September - My BigDay ♥
9/04/2011 04:59:00 PM
9/04/2011 04:59:00 PM
hi gals & guys out there!
im here again, today went to McD to do some research, of course i had my McLunch there. also not forget to facebook and blog too! muahahahahahha~~~~
for those who really my FRIEND, they should know that September is a very special month for me.
Celebrating 3 special BIG day in this month.
1st - My Birthday ♥
2nd - anniversary ♥
3rd - Mr. Cow Birthday ♥
and this year im celebrating something special too, our Bangkok trip.
But something happen, and i had to cancel the trip.
he have to go himself as he is so willing to go.
is hard to find another 1 friend to go with him, unless we selling out the two ticket.
and the BAD NEWS is...the air ticket is under promotion fare, thats mean, we can't transfer the ticket to another name directly or on behalf of someone.
if i didn't go, he will go alone; if i go with him, i don't know what will happen between me and my family after that.
hard to make dicision, what to do now?
just wait and see...
it's only left few more days to go, and what decision will i make?
throw out the trouble 1st!!!! >.<
im going to write about my/our romantic, sweet and memorible history.
on 30th August, i spend my night with my dinner for a family re-union dinner.
miss them so so much! ♥
never spend a great time with family after this year CNY... T.T
i was though that i will have some surprise on the dinner, but they plan to give me surprise on 1st September.
ops, so sorry to say, i got a plan already. daddy mummy said they didn't celebrate for me last year, and hoping to celebrate on this year, end up i disappointed them.
they told me everything postpone to next year.
and now im hoping that next year i can kill two birds with one stone :) + ♥
on 1st September, i woke early to send my baby cute ferrari to service. its over limit already, and i just notice on last 3 days. and that time was hari raya, whole workshop was close. T.T
poor poor my grey ferrari! he have to carry with those smelly black oil to run me here and there.
but after i bring him to service, he look handsome and happy now! ^^

OMG, its all our fault, planning to have a sporty evening without doing any research.
when we reach there is already 4.40pm, and Taman Pertanian is only available on tues-sun, 8.30am - 4.30pm only.
what to do? just go home to prepare our dinner.
something bad happen after that. caused we have to postpone our dinner from 8pm to 9.30pm.

is abit expensive, better don't go everytime, unless is your big big special day.

is was so call spaghetti, but is not a noodle looked.
is like our asian rice.
jz creamy and gummy rice, haha!
yet, is nice and special!

on 3rd September, Mr. Cow suddenly give me a call on that evening, date me to have a dinner.
i prepare myself and met him at 8.30.

we went to Deutsches Haus German Restaurant at jaya33.

look tiny for me, but i cant finish it, because the pork slice is very thick!
and important is, very cheap, hehe!

on 4th September, is been the very 1st time i spend my evening at McD from 2pn until now, 6pm, im stil here!
guess the worker is hate me now!
if someone having their lunch here and went back....they will get shock if they are planning to have McD as their dinner later. because im stil here, haha!
what to do?
besides researching, im playing with facebook, blogging, music and refilling my drink...LOL
-End of this post-
0 Shouts

public holiday-17 AUGUST 2011
8/17/2011 07:15:00 PM
8/17/2011 07:15:00 PM
i never keep my promise!
said that will blof at least once a week/2week, end up..?
im too too too lazy, got time, but lazy; when im busy, feel wan blog
what m i doing?!
today is public holiday, and i no need go to work.
yet, im now at office, preparing the email to send out.
and yes, did all the job, and now blogging awhile before i go back.
yesterday went to @live with my dearest jane and ivy!
had a great night!
thx alot my dearsss...^_^
wanted to post some photo here, but some page was block...(wondering what happen? sometime can access, sometime cannot! >.<) photo in this blog again :(
i just feel that today is sunday, but it was not!
i have to go for tuition tonight, and im feel lazy to go, just want to stay at home sleeping.
is raining out there, and wonder have it stop?
the weather is so cool...i want to nap nap...
cow told me he was sleeping just now at bout 4.30pm.
wonder is he wake already?
i found out something funny!
do u guys want to know?
0 Shouts

Please vote for the ugly girl. XoX
7/28/2011 07:30:00 PM
7/28/2011 07:30:00 PM
hello everyone...
i broke my promise again...didn't make it up here more than 2weeks again..!!!
do you all like me?support me? and be by my side every moment?
if yes, do vote me and help me to promote... ^_^
there's 3 easy way to do it..
i broke my promise again...didn't make it up here more than 2weeks again..!!!
do you all like me?support me? and be by my side every moment?
if yes, do vote me and help me to promote... ^_^
there's 3 easy way to do it..
- please like this page - Forged Racing Fan Page
- and then like this photo -
- after that just help to promote, ask your friends to do as what you did.
Thank you.
It's very easy right?
so what you waiting for?
0 Shouts

you're on your way to SHOPPING LAND
- Shopaholic-Confessions
- Lots Of on9 SHOPPING
- MissShopaholic
- EasyWay
- The Face Secrets
- CupClothes
- BrushBerry
- Attires'Attic
- TicTacToe
- MelissaSecret
- EasyShop
- Diary Of Shopaholic
- Style2info
- ShoppingKaki
- Room8008
- Labellecloset
- Goss:psBoutique
- ThreadBarn
- AfashionStory
- ClosetStory
- S-Emart
- OfferStation
- ShoppingNsales
- Everyday
- InStyleStore
- DressingBox
- MulBerry
- Belle-Fashion
- Zeps
- Clothesery
- The Cute Closet
- HomeWear
- Forever Boutique
- MissJ
- 丫卡小铺
- FuFumo
- Lush Serendipity Enterprise
- Lush Serendipity Pre Order
- 衣衣不舍
The KINs
you're on your way to my kins' life
you're on your way to my college friends' life
- Delphine
- Orangy
- Nicole aka NicNic
- Jolin aka VoonHong - WeeKeat - Doraemon aka SookMian - FreeMan - Carmen - Jessica - PohYin - TaiKeng - Tzia - CheeHao - SieLih - JiaChyi - LingWei - Charmaine - Jackie - Rachel - Chee Aun
The Matey
you're on your way to my friends' life
The Twinkles
you're on your way to the celebrities' life
- Amy the writer
- NuffNang
- XiaoQing
- Lee Chong Wei
- Linda
- Rainnie
- Roro
- Alice
- Makiyo
- GingEr
- Judy
- Richell
- Kevin
- Dawn Yang
- Romeo
- Lao Zha Bor
- Wen Wen
- NameWee
- Casper Chan
- Patricia Liu
- Rachel Tan
- Vanness Wu
- Rosanne Wong
- MayJune
Sweet Donutss
you're on your way to the pretties and handsomes life
- adrian
- Chervonne
- Michelle Phan
- Miyuki
- XiaoYin
- Juweizx
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- Chuckei
- Layla
- Evangeline
- LiChing,the so called BLUE
- AngelsWing
- AngelTan
- Aikiko
- Vicky
- Yasmine
- Mina
- Rumiko
- Miyako
- Sylvia
- Crystal
- Winny
- Wei Wei
- Cindy
- Ketty
- Ying Ying
- Abby
- Eliz
- MinMin
- WenWen
- JiaJia
- Sasa
- Yuri
- Qmei
- Leng Yein
you're on your way to my pretty dears' life
- Shelynn
Previous Posts
gone within the wind, and stop
-April Fool-Chatime
-[here come the REAL ACTUAL post]
-Dear all...
-Thailand part 2
-Thailand part 1
-September - My BigDay ♥
-public holiday-17 AUGUST 2011
-Please vote for the ugly girl. XoX
gone with the wind
-June 2009 -July 2009 -August 2009 -September 2009 -October 2009 -November 2009 -December 2009 -January 2010 -February 2010 -March 2010 -April 2010 -May 2010 -June 2010 -July 2010 -August 2010 -September 2010 -October 2010 -November 2010 -December 2010 -January 2011 -February 2011 -March 2011 -April 2011 -May 2011 -June 2011 -July 2011 -August 2011 -September 2011 -October 2011 -March 2012 -April 2012 -October 2012